Sunday, 15 September 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013

Ruby :: she's always happiest when creating something.
Cole :: the dress up basket just keeps giving.
Eliot :: the boy who refuses to sleep during the day unless in transit succumbed to his body's cries for rest this week, to battle his double ear infection.

What did I love last week? This, this, this and this.


  1. omg i just fell off my chair with how i love these images!! Your light, your depth of field, your captures...truly stunning! Will be linking as a fave for next week! fabulous, i am inspired anew! xxxx

  2. These photos are divine. Your photos are always so amazing. I love the creative process, the dress up box (ours gets a good working out here too!), and those beautiful little curled up feet.


  3. OMG!!! Those heels!! That was just the laugh I needed today :) Lovely portraits of a darling little family.

    Sophie xo

  4. Love these photos! The colours are great! What lens do you use most?

  5. Brilliant shoes! Dress-up is the best.

  6. brillant as always!

  7. Hi Tahnee, I'm just popping back to let you know that you were my favourite photos from last week. Happy days! Looking forward to seeing this weeks' portraits. x

  8. Oh my goodness, those little feet curled up on the couch! beautiful, beautiful shots. glad to have found your portraits!


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