Saturday, 10 August 2013

kids were here / august 2013

Fairly certain I've lost my photo project mojo. This month's collection is ordinary at best - not to mention, late - and then today I completely forgot about Ten on Ten. It feels like a general blogging low - real life stuff taking up all my time and, more specifically, energy. I am waiting on a few things to come together that I feel will get me into a better place again.

Here's hoping for a richer series next month, when I will make a more conscious effort to see that my kids were here.


  1. I really love this collection those sweet love heart notes on the windows, your phone in the truck, wet puddles and food found in funny places all looks like your little ones were very busy:) I hope your photo project mojo returns soon:) xx

  2. I think you are way too hard on yourself - I love these - as usual.
    I had fun again this glad you introduced me to this project.

  3. Tahnee, be kind to yourself! These are wonderful images! I beat myself up for a lot of things but I'm making a conscious effort not to as my three year old has started inheriting my "I'm not good enough" disease, something that really has stopped me in my tracks. These images are a rich reminder that children were there and as someone who isn't a blogger but reads a few, it's so nice to see spaces in their true states. You're a wonderful photographer, I've been rewarding your blog but don't usually comment, but had to this time! Never apologise for real life getting in the way! It means you have your priorities right!

  4. Whoops rewarding = reading!!

  5. I ALWAYS love these. Go gently on yourself! Ruby's labelled drawings are my favourite.

    I thought of this project last night when I stumbled across some lego men lined up next to the toothbrushes (and the associated globs of spilled toothpaste) in the bathroom x

  6. ordinary, mmm maybe, real, definitely. hope you find your mojo

  7. ha. love the phone in the bulldozer! xo

  8. yep, kids most definitely live at your place! I adore these photos, seriously. And I think I might try and capture some of the mess round here :)


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