Tuesday, 6 August 2013

world breastfeeding week

No doubt you would have seen plenty of images floating around the interwebs for the past six days, from proud mothers sharing their experience and memories of nurturing their child/ren at their breast, in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week.

I was blessed to nurture all three of my children with my own body. It wasn't all smooth sailing, but mostly it was. It was a beautiful time in my life, to be the lifeline for my children. To be SO needed. Feel so important. So connected.

So I'm raising my cup of tea in support, appreciation and pride, in myself and for all those mothers across the globe, who were able to breastfeed their smalls - whether it was a week, a month, six months, two years.. cheers to you and me!

Image taken on Christmas Day 2012 - my sister, a new mum to Rome, 6 weeks


  1. great message and lovely photo!
    here's to mums

  2. Gorgeous image. I too am proud of my body in it's ability to feed both of my children. I am just a little sad at the irony that during Breastfeeding week my doctor told me I needed to stop (medical reasons)

  3. I absolutely adore this image, so sweet! Cheers to you too Mama!

  4. I was lucky enough to breastfeed all 4. This is a lovely image and brings back warm memories (and some sore ones) x


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