Sunday, 11 August 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013

Ruby :: she's been diligently saying her prayers each night of late, something she initiated herself. We have never pushed the kids to recite evening prayers and while my own faith is strong, I know this new routine has been influenced by school. I am constantly amazed at how much she knows, how much she has learnt in such a short space of time. We share a Hail Mary or the Lord's Prayer and then take turns with our individual prayers, just the two of us. Last night she prayed for Grandpa's happiness for his birthday today, and that she hoped he would enjoy his special pizza lunch. I love how specific children's prayers are.
Cole :: a big day - his first trip to the MCG to see his Tigers play. Rawr.
Eliot :: a few heavy nights of rain made for a wonderful muddy puddle at one end of the backyard. It was most certainly put to good use.


  1. Those tiger's eyes are amazing! How exciting, a first trip to the MCG is. I still remember mine. Bet he had a great time. x

  2. A picture tells a thousand words.
    These are priceless.
    My two year old loves "pwayers" too, but I'm pretty sure it's the candle not the words! x

  3. I love when they self iniate their own beliefs, ways of doing things, great reminder that they really are their own people.

  4. gorgeous!!! The candle light is so serene and that Tiger fan you have there...such an expression! Muddy puddles are so much fun! Happy week Tahnee (although I fear another tear induced Wednesday night in front of Offspring!!) xx

  5. Oh bless sweet Ruby. Hope you have a good week lovely. xo


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