Monday, 18 February 2013

the first day

I remember reading Jodi's account of the first day, when she said, 'To be honest it was easier than I expected. I only cried a few tears and they were, most definitely, happy ones.' And I couldn't agree more. A few tears escaped me once she had marched proudly into the prep building, without turning back. I let most of my emotion out the night before (which were really, mostly sad tears, that my baby girl was leaving my side and heading into the big wide world), after my parents had arrived and mum so eloquently stated 'you'll miss her so much!'. Thanks mum.

She has been waiting to go to school for a year. The entirety of last year was spent counting down the months until she would, really truly, be at school. ALL DAY. This notion of spending all day away from home was wonderful to her. The reality would seem not quite so shiny now that she has experienced how long all day actually is. And as a parent, a full day at school seems like such a steep learning curve. To go from kindy - playing, painting, drawing, demanding minimal focus and attention - to school - where it's ALL about listening and learning, and very little about playing. I know it is only time - time to get used to this new routine.

My parents flew down for the big event, and I am so, so glad they did. Ruby was so proud that she had her nanna and pa there with her on her first day as well. I wish I could show you the photos I took of her lining up and waving us goodbye before heading into class (lots of children, privacy, etc). The excitement so clear on her face, beaming smile, holding hands with her bestie. A sea of tiny children in their oversized uniforms and backpacks, waving energetically at their loved ones and blowing kisses, before taking their first steps on this lengthy journey of education. There was definitely a lump in my throat. I held it together until she was gone from sight.

I made her a little pocket heart to keep close, so that she knew if she was feeling overwhelmed by her big day, she could give it a squeeze and feel all our love and support for her. Later that afternoon she came to me and whispered in my ear, 'mum, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at school today, so I went and got my heart out of my bag and when I held it, I felt much better'. Cue hot tears welling in eyes. Mum and I collected her, with bright orange roses in hand which she had been asking for every time we went to the shops, the whole week beforehand. She decorated cupcakes after school with nanna - something she had requested a week prior. Her day could not have been better.

She too, is doing wonderfully. Her teacher is lovely - young and vibrant with so much energy to share with her students. Every day she comes out of class smiling and happy, ready to share what happened throughout the day. Her school is very kind on the little ones, breaking them in slowly with just three short days in the first week, followed by four full time days for the remainder of February. We go full time early March. She has surprised me with her energy levels. There have been minimal meltdowns, and only one little nap, so all in all she's had a wonderful start. We've had a wonderful start.

If you've experienced the 'first day' for your small, were there happy tears? Milkshakes? Cupcakes?!


  1. How wonderful that your beautiful girl settled in so well. It is such an enormous time for everyone and it looks like you have done a champion job of it all Mumma! Love that little heart...there the things memories are made of :) x

  2. We are going into our third full week and it feels like my little girl is completely settled now. She is my second child at school and it still feels strange to me just have one at home! Laycee is loving school though. I adore listening to her enthusiatically tell me all about her days...but I really miss her!

  3. My baby has just started kinder (which is in school, in uniform but only 15 hours a week) and even the 3rd time around I had tears (for me). You all sound like you're doing so well!
    I adore the little pocket hearts - will steal that for an anxious day one day
    And once you really get into the swing of school days its amazing just how short that 9-3 time is!!!

  4. gorgeous photos. I love her braids I cant remember how to do those ones. Working on mastering straight up braids and i did learn to fishtail braid recently (with a long haired girl its all about what hair we are doing every morning)

    she looks v happy, my daughter took to school like a duck to water too. My son has started this year too and while hes not as keen so far so good (at least his hair is a lot easier in the morning)

    PS My little girl had a "happy bag" that I made her for her first day of kindy - a little drawstring bag with a felt heart felt start and felt flower. It went in her pocket and like your daughter she could look at it and hold it any time she wanted to and over the years has moved to her school bag or some days back to her pocket.

    Grade 3 and changed schools and changed bags but she still found it and put it in there. She said "oh Mum I never need to get it out now I just like to know that its there"

    So sweet

  5. Right. Time to sew a heart, now! Beautiful Tahnee. You're so brave, so so so brave. I've been bawling my eyes out when Jude's out of sight about his half days (three hours!) at pre-school. x

  6. Oh goodness. My LO is only 9mths and I'm already dreading this day. :(

  7. Go you!

    I am glad to read that it all went well. It is such a milestone for the littles and their mummas.

    Love love love that heart idea.
    Might whip up some hearts for my kiddos and stash them away for when I might need them.

    Beautiful images as always x

  8. Handsome family you have!! Beautifully captured in words and photos. xx R

  9. Ruby looks so little, yet so grown up at the same time. I'm really happy to hear your first day went well, and with happy tears. Mine was fairly the same. However there have been moments since that my heart has hurt for her. All of these little things that you never even think could affect them, or they could be frightened of. This is such a big learning curve we are all going through, but the realisation that that safety net now has a gaping hole in it is a had one to deal with.
    I hope Ruby is settling into her weeks nicely.
    That heart is just the sweetest little thing, and I really, really love those family photo's of you all. Such a beautiful family.

  10. Such lovely photos to document her first day and how great that your parents could be there. I have just filled in Matilda's enrollment forms for next year and it is an odd feeling. I will have to remember the pocket heart idea! How's she going with her first full time week?


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