Saturday, 17 December 2011


So we did some more baking. This time for some sweet little kindy gifts. Another one I pinned way before Christmas was even on my radar. So simple, so easy, sooooo cute. Don't you just wanna eat him?

I wish I'd taken a snap of Ruby heading into kindy with her basket of goodies. She was so rapt to hand them all out. She LOVES kindy. Even though she knows she goes on Wednesdays and Fridays, she still asks every day if it's kindy day, and then complains that she 'just can't wait that long' when I tell her how many more days till she goes again. Her teacher is wonderful and I have no doubt she is part of the reason my little girl loves it so. If I had a dollar for every time she has played 'Miss Kate' in the lounge room, reading stories to her imaginary class. Priceless. We will be sad to say goodbye next Wednesday, on her last day of three year old kindy.

Of course the little guy can't miss out either. He ate Rudolph for breakfast. I wasn't going to argue with him. It's Christmas.

PS - I buy my washi tape and twine (among other things) from a lovely friend of mine (from my lovely mothers' group) who has an awesome online store. You can find her here too. Go and have a look, her prices are completely ridiculous and she has regular sales. And she's ace.

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