Saturday, 17 December 2011


I know Maxabella has finished up her gratefulness for the year, but I will continue through to the new year. They may be short and sharp, because my tired, stinging eyes, will allow nothing more, but they will be here nonetheless.

So this week I am grateful for.. Instagram. I know, lame huh? I love seeing how other people live, and capture their ordinary and extraordinary moments in their day to day. I love to take photos. Der. You probably guessed that by the gazillions of snaps in my little space here. But I love it and that's just the way it is. And when I haven't got my camera with me (a rarity but occasionally it happens), Instagram is a lovely way to capture a moment you want to remember.

More than that, I love it because it makes me feel connected. To strangers? Um, yeah. Strangers in the sense, yes I have never met them, but they feel like friends from following their blogs. My 'following' list is not long, but of that list, only one actual friend is there. We were besties through the latter half of high school back in my hometown in country South Australia. And I say were because there was a time following our graduation and entrance into the real world that we were not so. For a few different reasons, perhaps reasons that needed to be there, or didn't. Whatever. It happened and I was without my beautiful friend for what felt like a long time. Things shifted, and everything was off kilter. Like I'd lost my right arm. And I'm a righty. You think you won't get through, but you do. And eventually it doesn't hurt as much. You know how it goes ~ whatever doesn't kill you? Something like that.

We reconnected again a few years ago. My firstborn and her third are three months apart. And they're both named Ruby. We always had the same taste. We have caught up in the flesh a couple of times when I have made quick trips back to my hometown. We picked up where we left off and all is well, but sometimes I do wonder how much more our friendship would have grown if there wasn't that little gap. A little gap that spanned both our weddings. I don't dwell on that at all ~ what good would it do? I am just so very glad that the little gap was just that. Little. A little missing piece. Nothing more.

So I get to see her, and her beautiful children, and her life. Chat to her. Like her snap. Love her. Everyday. On Instagram. 500km apart. And I feel connected. And it feels good. Really good. And for that, I am grateful.

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