Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Like it's.. the last day of three year old kindy! Oh how my little girl has loved becoming a kindergartener this year. She has grown and learned and blossomed and learned. Tomorrow will be a little bitter-sweet for me, perhaps only because she is my first? By the time Eliot rounds out the kindy years I will probably be jumping for joy they will all be dropped off and picked up from the same place. At the same time.

{On her first day back in February}

She has made some lovely little friends this year, some who are moving with her to her new kindy, some she will leave behind. I think I am sad more for her relationship with Miss Kate drawing to a close. She really loves her and Kate has played an integral role in Ruby's growth and development this year. Miss Kate is taking some well deserved time off next year, away from the little people, to regroup and find her focus again. She is truly wonderful with the kids, however quiet or loud, shy or challenging, obedient or spirited. I think perhaps kindergarten teachers have more patience than parents. At least, that is what I have concluded after my sessions helping out this year. So thankyou Miss Kate ~ for giving our bright little soul a genuinely wonderful start to her official learning years. We have been very spoilt to begin her education under your guiding wing and we will miss you so.

I'm on honey joy duty for the party. I'd never made them before, but Lisa helped me out and they look and taste the way they should. Like a spikey ball of honeyed sugar. Anything with a flag stuck in it is sure to be a hit, you think?

Hubby is away and I am buggered. Shitty timing with the busy week leading up to Christmas but that's the way it goes. Due home tomorrow, we are hoping he will make the party in the afternoon. Thankfully his job doesn't require too many trips away, but when he has to go, boy do I appreciate him when he gets back. Like most husbands and wives, we are a good team and our little routine works well. While I bath the kids, he cleans the kitchen. Once the littles are in bed, the house is spotless and it is our time. Still doing dishes at 9pm sucks arse. Wednesday will be a good day.

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