Saturday, 31 December 2011

good night irene

I had hoped to flood you with Christmas snaps and a round-up by now. But alas, caring for three sick little souls just hasn't allowed time ~ for anything really. Poll position has been stolen by Middle. Something along the lines of croup now. Doing a great impersonation of a seal. Between the Middle and the Small, they could fill the nearest dried out riverbed with their snot. Lovely.

So here we are, curtain coming down on another year. Barring the last (almost) fortnight, 2011 has been a good one for my little family. We started the year as four and end it with a lovely, full, five. Six was always where I wanted to end up. But five feels good. And while I'd happily go round again, the bank balance insists five is lovelier than six. Never say never. Ruby started kindy, and blossomed before our eyes. Cole became a 'big boy' pretty much overnight, somewhere shortly after his second birthday. New friends were made, and old ones more loved. Lots of lovely visits from my family, but only one which saw us head north. We had big birthdays and small, a christening, two engagements. We witnessed new life through friends, and the aching loss of a brilliantly lovable and unique family member, God rest his precious soul.

I am looking forward to seeing what the new year will bring, and what can be achieved. I'm not one for resolutions but I think the year ahead will have more me in it. Three under three and a half means there isn't much me left to go round. I am the only one keeping hubby from the bottom of the list. Make no mistake, I won't complain, we wanted them close together, and we were very blessed to be given so. The milkbar will shut shop some time early March which will hopefully mean more and deeper slumber. I can only pray. Making more time for me, for my health, for my creativity, maybe a business, for me. And when more time gets put into me, hubby and little ones benefit all the more as well. So while it may sound selfish, 2012 will be spent putting some energy into me.

And to the year that was ~ roll tape..

Big love to you all who have come to visit me here at my new little space. I love being here and I hope you do ~ and will continue to. Big armfuls of gratitude to new blogging friends who have offered their support and wisdom.

Happy New Year to you, friends.


  1. Thanks Tahnee for your blog. I love tuning in and you are inspiring. Best wishes to your family and I hope you all get better. We have had a similar end to 2011 with Jackson not well either. Love to you all xxxx Donna

  2. Happy new year to you and your gorgeous family! I am sorry you are all unwell, i hope you can shake it soon. I love visiting you, your space is lovely and your photos even more so, seriously could your children get any cuter? simply divine. be well.

    xx jody

  3. Thanks ladies, I love that you love visiting. I hope the new year has brought good health to your home Donna. We are still battling through... perhaps our new year good health will begin once we are up on the coast in a few weeks and the sea air and sunshine can get rid of the bugs once and for all! Jody - I think I am bias.. but they are pretty damn cute hey! xx

  4. i love these photos. such a good timeline to show the fun that happened in 2011 at your house! hope you are killing those bugs and dosing up on the vitamins. hope 2012 is even better than 2011 xxoo


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