Tuesday, 18 February 2014

weekly stills collection / the one where my baby turned THREE

Last week was mostly shit. Monday began with what I thought was a simple 24 hour bug that two of the kids had the week prior - high temperature, achy body. Then BAM. Tummy bug. All. damn. week. Praise the Lord I was almost back to myself by the weekend to celebrate our smallest of smalls' third birthday.

This boy. My goodness, we are blessed.

Linking up with Em


  1. Happy 3rd birthday to your cutie. Oh no your poor things all getting sick:( I'm so glad you are on the mend and feeling better. Love your gorgeous photos Tahnee. I love the penguin photo and the jelly fish look really effective against the blue light. Have a great week. xx

  2. Oh a big Happy Birthday to that gorgeous little boy Tahnee and a big one finger salute to shitty weeks. xx

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Both Jenson and I had the same response to the shot of Eliot on the red stairs "Woooooow!". I thought he was actually bouncing on something at first. Wishing you a healthy week xo

  4. I am somewhat stumped for words...your photos are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they made me giggle out loud x

  5. OMG PENGUINS!!! love all the pics


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