Sunday, 9 February 2014


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

Ruby / first day. Round we go again.
Cole / out of focus and in a hurry, but I couldn't go past this one. He couldn't wait to start kindy and that face is pure joy - in focus or otherwise.
Eliot / roaring.

My favourite last week came from Ali.

Joining Jodi each week


  1. The atmosphere you have captured in the last shot is amazing! Good lick with the back to school rumble x

  2. oh i love your light! That last shot is sublime x

  3. You capture every image perfectly. A big week for all of you.

  4. I feel like all I do is bang on about your amazing photos .... but .... amazing photos! I love them all. Kellie xx

  5. Oh Cole, that face is pure joy! Ruby's legs look even longer in this photo. xo


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