Monday, 13 January 2014

happy new year

Happy New Year, friends!

The new year is well and truly here and we have been enjoying our holidays so very much. With nowhere to be and nothing much to do, it's been so lovely hanging around home, many days in our pj's, not looking at the clock, eating simple dinners and enjoying family time.

The last part of the year disappeared so quickly for me; I expect it would have been the same for many of you. So many commitments written up on the calendar, trying to keep everything festive and bright, ticking everything off the list and STILL having some down time to actually enjoy the season. I love Christmas but most years, especially since becoming a mother, they seem to fly by with so many things to complete and organise before the big day. Then you're left feeling rather flat afterward.

It all felt a bit disjointed this year--on the actual day--having to be away from home all day and in between families. I was surprised to feel relief once the day had passed and I looked forward to some proper down time, and the new year presenting itself.

I pulled all the decorations down two days after Christmas. I swept the house of useless, old things, and the Salvos received a hearty delivery. I painted tired looking pieces of furniture and emptied cupboards. I made new cushion covers and covered boring lampshades. The new year was welcomed with a clean slate--and house. I used to leave everything up until after the new year (something about being bad luck to take your tree down before 1 January), but I gave that away a few years ago and much prefer to ring in the new year with the same environment as my mind--a fresh and clean one.

Two weeks in and that clean, energised, eager feeling of January is still here. And I am enjoying it very much. I made a few resolutions and plans for the year ahead--for home, the business and this little blog. Apparently I am going to meal plan (gasp!), stop procrastinating and be more organised. I have thrown myself into some new projects this year and wedding enquiries have been showing their lovely faces more regularly. So I am thinking bigger and not holding back. Reading posts like this and this were just what I needed.

There is much to catch up on over on my other blog, which will be getting a proper facelift very soon. Baby Love is way behind on the blogging front--so much so that my nephew arrived last week to wrap the series beautifully. The final touch will be some fresh, smoodgy newborn shots next week. I can't wait to finish the series properly and share the images over there.

I do hope the year has started well for you--and more importantly, slowly. It has for us, and I feel all the better for it. I suspect the late nights of tennis watching over the coming fortnight will undo all of the early nights and rest, but that's just the way it goes.

My mind has turned to lunch boxes and new shoes, stationary labels and drink bottles. I am nowhere near ready for the holidays to be over so I will be doing my best to make them go as slowly as possible over the coming weeks..

Did you make any resolutions? Or goals? Do you meal plan? Do you STILL have your tree up..?!

Cheekily joining Em for her weekly stills collection (with my THREE weekly collection)


  1. I've made a resolution not to worry about things so much. I do meal plan and you can find my meals on my blog And yes, I still have my tree up :(

  2. Hi lovely Happy New Year, looks like it started beautifully for you with a new family member. Congratulations to all! I've not been in the blogosphere in weeks, or even months, and then only to update (late) weekly portraits for the 52 project. Today I started my first post in ages, a bit of a wrap up from December….then the computer went down. Ahh well that post is not be. I'll start again tomorrow! Wishing you best in all your endeavours for 2014.
    Resolutions - I have given up chocolate…so far so good, I am going to moisturise my feet.
    Goals - buy a home, sing more laugh more, say 'no' less.
    Meal plan - Oh yesI do every week! I am a fan of the Kikki K weekly meal planner.

  3. Love this three week collection Tahnee, so many precious moments. xx

  4. Your photos are so beautiful telling a lovely story of what you have been doing:) Congratulations to your sister and her husband how exciting a new baby in the family I will look forward to seeing those sweet baby photos. Ahh yes lots of resolutions for me I feeling positive about them I think I will need something to strive for and to be happy about this year despite the hard times ahead. I know you'll do fantastic with your goals. Meal planning isn't so bad just get into a routine when it comes to sitting down to write out your menu even though it is boring (it is for me anyway). I am though grateful to have it on the fridge so I don't have to think of what to cook and food in the fridge already there I just need to cook. Have a wonderful week Tahnee. xxx

  5. Beautiful account of the past three weeks. I meal plan for the most part. Certainly helps with budgeting and that awful, what shall we have for dinner at 5pm feeling. But like Catherine says, it is boring. I haven't set resolutions as such, but rather intentions, and a few goals. Happy 2014! xo


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