Tuesday, 28 January 2014

back to school / a giveaway!

It's that time again.. back to school!

Officially, we are still on holidays. We have some meet the teachers appointments and a little kindy orientation on the calendar later this week, but we are DEFINITELY still in holiday mode around here. And I am soaking it all up! Until Monday..

Aside from contacting a pile of school books--the joys, really-- we are all set to go with new shoes, lunch boxes, drink bottles. And then the lovely folk at stuck on you sent over a personalised backpack for Eliot to trot around with. He thinks he's the ants' pants!

He and I are being kindergarten snobs this year. The first of our three. While he is old enough to go to three year old class, you just don't get much bang for your buck these days. A very different story from when Missy had her turn. With our biggest boy at four year old kindy this year, a very large 15 HOUR window has opened up for the just the two of us. JUST THE TWO OF US. I have no idea what it is like to have only one child follow you around. I have forgotten..!

Our routine is about to get a huge shuffle. This is new territory--but I think I am going to like it. We'll be doing a weekly music and craft class to have the contact and mingling with other smalls that he would get from kindy, plus the extra time (and money saved) also allows us the freedom for outings on the other two days we will be together. He's done so much growing over the summer, I can't quite believe how far he has come.

He is sufficiently chuffed with his new backpack and stuck on you want to share the love. If you've been a little slack on the labelling front, or you think you can get away with stuffing last year's lunch boxes into this year's school bags.. then this one's for you. They have truckloads of great stuff to choose from so head over to their website to check it all out. All you have to do is watch this little video to be in the running. Too easy!

Music / Peter Combe / Jellybean Road


  1. that is the cutest video everrrrr!

  2. You make the most beautiful-funny videos! I wonder how is your school timing in Australia, i live in Spain and here we start new school year in september, and it is divided in three trimesters, first ends with two and a half holiday weeks for Christmas, then another one untill easter, where we have a week and a half, and then the third trimester till summer. School ends around june 21th and starts by september 11th,
    I get a bit surprised about your starting now,... you are in summer right now, aren't you?

  3. My Elliott - two L's and two T's is kindy/preschool snobs too this year. Older two at school and just mummy and E time. Back pack looks great and now I have great idea for a school snack for the older two as well. Great video. Go TEAM EL(L)IOT(T)

  4. such a cute video, I adore all of the personalised range at stuck on you. thanks for the opportunity to win.

  5. Super cute video. I have 12 hours a week this year of just me and my smallest. But I find those hours get eaten up with errands and household jobs. Really going to 'allocate' us time this year!

  6. great video Tahnee! love the song too! I've been uber slack on the labelling front….this giveaway might just save me xx

  7. You are just so bloody clever xo

  8. loved this! if only my lunches were that quick to put together!! x

  9. Such a sweet video, I know Eliot will love it when he is older! Our lunches are a bit more complicated, and I bet I couldn't make them look quite as cute ;)

  10. So clever. You two are going to have some wonderful one on one time together! x

  11. Sweeeet video. Mental note to self must put dried apple in lunch box's more often. Poppy is also off to Kinda leaving me with Gil....I wonder if that will mean he might get a little more sleep in the day, I hope so! I hope next week is a smooth one for all. R x

  12. Such a sweet video - made me a bit teary! My eldest starts kinder tomorrow! I am looking forward to this new chapter with her but, like you, looking forward to the time to spend with my youngest too!


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