Sunday, 1 September 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013

Ruby :: I hope her love of writing and drawing will never be dulled - especially in years to come when homework begins to eat into her free time.. and yes, those are floating dust particles next to her.
Cole :: dinosaurs and Cole go hand in hand
Eliot :: all shaken up with Pa

Last week I loved these chubby little legs stuck in gumboots, these cool dudes, two darling flamingos, and this sweet little soul and all that COLOUR!


  1. The back lighting has made Ruby glow!

  2. What fantastic shots. Love how different they all are. And how cool your little paleontologist looks!
    x Laura

  3. I love floating dust particles. It's just morning light (and a real life). Gorgeous photos. And those sunnies! xx

  4. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I love Eliot's hair! xo

  5. Eliot is having the BEST time! x

  6. These are so beautiful, I just adore that picture of Ruby, so lovely and the lighting is amazing! xx


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