Monday, 19 August 2013


So I know a few weeks ago I said I'd be trying my hardest to get some routine back into blogging. Good intentions and all that. Right now, I feel like there is so little time. Without burning the candle at both ends. Which is my usual gig. And I'm trying to break the cycle.

I've been so tired, for a while now. I had blood work done and all is fine but I was sure there would be a low iron count to rectify. Possibly just a winter slump and my body needs some exercise. The closest it's going to get is a 5am pilates dvd a couple of times a week, in the front lounge room so as not to wake the kids.

The kids have been testing my patience lately, probably mostly Middle as he pushes the boundaries to see how far he can get and seems to have become an expert at selective hearing. The Small is mostly just damn cute offering up tight squeezy cuddles every few minutes and just saying mama because he knows it makes me smile. My girl has had a little head cold which has left her more tired than usual, and when tiredness strikes, that usually means a couple of after school meltdowns each week. I cannot even imagine how fast her brain is working, how much it is taking in, how much she is learning. If it were me, I'd probably lose my shit a few times a week too.

It must be at least three weeks since the kids had a bath. By that I mean they are most certainly clean - they've been having showers instead. After the last few baths had ended with all their dirty clothes being dragged into the tub and anything else they could find, as well as making sure they covered every possible tile in the bathroom with water out of the bath, I banned them from its use. It was only for a week but they seem to have forgotten about it and I am quite okay with that. The water is confined and now, the goggles are not just for swimming lessons.

It was my sister's birthday a couple of weeks ago. She has this really strong connection with spending her birthdays with family and most of the time, that doesn't happen, given the distance between all of us. Last year was particularly crappy so our other sister booked flights almost a year ago, so that she and hubby and bub could be here to spend her birthday together. And then mum and dad decided they should come too, but we kept that bit a secret. From the kids too. They had the most wonderful surprise when they woke Saturday morning to find nanna and pa asleep in the front lounge room! We all had a really wonderful weekend and thankfully there weren't too many tears from the kids following nanna and pa's departure.

Work has been ticking along nicely and there are some exciting things ahead, just waiting in the wings for their big entrance.. when the time is right.

I strolled the city streets on Saturday afternoon with a childhood friend and her gorgeous daughter, snapping them as we went, a lovely little Father's Day surprise in waiting. I love being able to give that to people.

I finally picked up the new computer yesterday and can finally get started on making my work space more inviting. Perhaps part of the reason I have found it so hard to sit still and write lately, or even edit photos sometimes, is because things have stayed the same a little too long and it all feels very uninspiring. The desk is getting a coat of paint - primer on yesterday arvo - a new rug will be ordered, fresh artwork to look at, and a beautiful BIG empty hard drive just waiting for me to fill up. I think I'll be a much happier, more productive woman. I sit here at the old computer, tapping away, but now - from the kitchen. Even this small change feels better. Rejuvenating. The husband just watched a movie just a few metres away while I've been tapping and editing. While this won't always be the case, it feels so nice to have the option now, rather than spending the evening at opposite ends of the house.

This week we'll be working on less tv and more craft/reading/games. I am struggling to find the right balance with it all, and manage to get all the necessary things done to keep the house running along smoothly and also have enough time for myself, the husband, blogging, projects.. but that's a whole other post.


  1. Tahnee I'm sitting here and nodding my head with your words... Life can take control at times and it's nice to get control back! I hope that little changes are the inspiration that you need cause I kinda miss reading your stuff :)

    Sophie xo

  2. Good luck with the new desk. I am much the same, had bloods expecting something and got the 'everything is fine' response, which I guess is great, but when you're knackered you kinda hope there will be a reason that you can just go and fix. I blame winter too. Spring is just around the corner.

  3. Hi there lovely. Feeling your words, it has been similar around here of late. My iron is low and I have low blood pressure.....often dizzy.... Have to sit down while doing yoga, so I don't fall. My very humble bloggy space is neglected, I'm even having trouble getting my photos up in time for the 52 project.
    And speaking of selective hearing we were encouraged to take the Fox for a hearing test......please let that be the reason for his unresponsiveness - I may be clutching at straws though. While I'm sorry it's been hard to find time for your of late, it is good to know I am not the only one feeling that way at the moment.
    xx R

  4. Yes, I'm nodding in agreement here too Tahnee as I'm currently struggling to keep up with life at the moment. Your photography, though, is out of this world and continues to go from strength to strength. That B&W shot will make the most amazing Father's Day present. Take Care! Mel x

  5. This time of year is just blurgh. Bring on spring! I'm so happy to see your parents have been able to make it down, that must have been so lovely for you.
    I get you, hon, and like you, I know I need to be getting the alarm set for earlier, but sleep! It's just too tempting at that time of morning, even though I know the benefits of exercise will outweigh those extra snoozes.
    Hoping you are feeling less tired and more inspired real soon.
    Big love my friend xoxo


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