Sunday, 23 June 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013

Ruby :: every spare minute this week has been spent drawing - so much so she's missed the line up before school a few times because 'I just HAVE to finish this!'
Cole :: he pestered me for a crown made from the new 'little coloured paper'. we taped two pieces together, he cut it out, wore it ALL WEEK, only removed it for showers.
Eliot :: my darling wee one has not been himself for just over a week now, a combination of head cold and two year old molars. I don't remember the last time he had a day sleep that wasn't in transit. I laid down with him in the darkness late morning, he gave no fight. I love how tiny he still looks in our big bed.


  1. oh these are divine, your blog is always heart stoppingly beautiful...but these...phew! My faves for next week xxxxx

  2. They always look so little when tucked up in the big bed.

  3. Looks like our proposed house extension, 2 story and lots of windows! Poor poppet, those molars can really be a pain.

  4. Nothing a green crown can't fix. King of the world!

  5. Such beautiful pictures. Love how you use light in your pictures. May i ask which lens do you use for these ?

  6. Gorgeous Tahnee! I have a little one that draws non-stop...I'm drowning in beuatiful artwork!!!! Love the crown (so sweet he wore it non stop) and hoping Elliot feels better soon!

  7. You have a gorgeous creative family. X

  8. I adore Ruby's pictures! They're kinda special :) Ol' King Cole was a merry old soul... Loving his crown :) Hope you little man is feeling better soon! A lovely week to you Tahnee.

    Sophie xo

  9. I love the colours in your photos. <3.

    I hope your little man will be back to himself soon.

  10. beautifully gorgeous! these, so still and quiet, sing such an artful song of your sweet children's life. xo

    1. PS hope your little one is feeling better. xo

  11. These are delicious captures. OH sweetness. :)

  12. i am always so drawn to the light in your photos, it is just beautiful. thanks for the fav mention x


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