Friday, 1 February 2013

school mama

There is change in the air in many households across the country this week. Many children returned to school, and many began their school journey that will affect their everyday for the next thirteen years. THIRTEEN. I just wondered what I will be like when I'm FORTY FIVE. Holy shit.*

Our new school routine has not officially begun yet. Cole will be going to three year old kindy this year, just two morning sessions per week, beginning on Monday. Just long enough to drop him off, return home to wash the dishes, change a nappy and return to pick him up. I am looking forward to him spending some time with children the same age who may, or may not, be as bossy as is big sister.

Ruby will begin her school journey next Tuesday. Books have been covered, stationary blazoned with name labels, uniforms washed, shoes broken in, trial morning routine accomplished (and without raising my voice!). We met both of their teachers this week and I feel calmer knowing they will be in the hands of two lovely, capable teachers, in the hours they will spend away from home.

The blogging community has been a lovely big pond of knowledge the past few weeks with bloggers sharing their experiences about their small/s starting the big, scary, school journey. I have read some really informative posts, gained useful tips, some of which have already been put into practice. Some have made me smile, or laugh. Some have just been, plainly beautiful. Emotional and raw, sharing words that every mama is feeling right now when our worlds are changing for the first time in five years.

You may have read these already, but I just wanted to share some of the posts I have read in the past few weeks, that were either useful, funny, emotional or everything rolled in one.

Getting Ready for School :: 11 Tips by Lexi of Pottymouthmama
The School Series by Jodi of Che & Fidel
in particular The Mamas Talk...
Day One by Greer of Typically Red
Time Goes So Fast by Rachel of Sleep Yummy
I didn't cry until.. by Tessa of Down that Little Lane
10 things to ask your child about their day by Maxabella of Kidspot Village Voices

If you found some favourites that I haven't mentioned, leave a link in the comments, I'd love to read them. And if your small took their first steps into The School Years this week, congratulations to you both! Wishing you all smooth weeks ahead as we transition, together, into new routines, new challenges and new learning (and new hankies..)!

*No disrespect to the 45 year olds out there! Add 13 years to your age, whatever that is, and I expect you too, will say holy shit.


  1. Big changes. I feel for this lovely mummy blogging community. LOVE that close-up of Ruby, what a stunning girl.

  2. Oh don't you love that preppy freshness, new shoes, braids and soon-to-be gappy smile! When I think about school being 13+ years I say holy shit too. I can't believe most of us make it through.

  3. Oh I can't even imagine sending my Sof to school... You are all so brave! Hoping the next years until then slow way, way down ;)

  4. Good luck ladies, she will love it and you will get to spend some quality time with your other smalls. Oh and from someone who is turning 45 this isn't too painful, you will survive, although with a few extra lines on your face!!

  5. Good luck for next week. Our first day went brilliantly. I hope it continues! ;)

  6. All the best for next week! Ruby will do brilliant. I am still so emotional thinking about yesterday, yesterday was our first day for us... I just feel so happy, yet so sad and touched all rolled into one. I continued to be a sook all day and took out some baby photos to look through last night. Hubs thinks I am mad.

    p.s. On a side note, my blogger completely died on me over christmas (long story) so I've gone ahead and started afresh on wordpress. Exciting times.
    (Do have a squizz at Clari's first day!) x

  7. good luck to your kids! my little buddy started kindergarten this year and it left me feeling so lonely at home since he is my only one :(


  8. I hope the beginning is just as fabulous as these photos, Tahnee. We have sent our last little to school on Friday (she went BRILLIANTLY and I was so proud and so bloody relieved and so joyous and so sad all at the same time). Much love. x

    PS - Thank you for the link too. x

  9. Oh she looks so grown up! I hope she has a great first day at school and Cole enjoys kinder too. xo

  10. Good luck on first day of school next Tuesday. Hopefully there wont be too many tears - from mum ;)

  11. Oh, sweet little Ruby! All the best tomorrow hon.
    This was a good one too


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