Sunday, 27 January 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.

Ruby :: sentenced to her bedroom for some 'alone time' following some unsavoury behaviour.. 
Cole :: just rockin
Eliot :: he loves to watch the 'aaars, trucks and ikes' below, from nanna and pa's window


  1. Oh dear we had some of that behaviour here too today and some alone time helped some, but the weather here is driving us all a little stir crazy I think. Love that rocker face and those cute little words aaars and ikes:))xx

  2. we've been needing a few "calmimg" moments too!!
    my little one used to say 'tucks" along with the others youve mentioned

  3. gorgeous images and partial portraits of your babes. Lack of routine and long days at home has followed me with some unsavoury behaviour also! Wishing you a wondrous week ahead x

  4. I love that one of Eliot looking out the window, little fingerprints on clean glass xxx

  5. Gorgeous photos...I love that none of the photos are of their faces this week and yet you still get such a sense of their emotion.

    I hope you are having a lovely long weekend.

  6. love these 3 photos - you have reminded me that a portrait does not have to be a front to the camera shot. These show/say so much as they are. Beautiful

  7. Love those little fingerprints on the glass.

  8. Oh Ruby! I hope you didn't mutter shut up under your breath like my Ruby while sticking her fingers in her ears! :| gorgeous, gorgeous shot of E! xx

  9. Oh, I do really admire your pictures, you do have a great eye!
    I also find the idea just wonderful and decided to make the same this year.

  10. I just love your photos. Belinda x

  11. Pa LOVES all/any fingerprints left behind........he dislikes cleaning them off (that means you have left again) only to return again soon! maybe!! xx


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