Saturday, 10 December 2011


For a few things this week. It's been a laborious one. The eldest two have missed two nights of new Christmas stories with some {very} below par behaviour. And the little guy is trying to cut a few more teeth so he and I are having the greatest rendezvous with each other every hour or so through the night. Just the GREATEST I tell you. Thankfully he doesn't really know how to be cranky or whingey, but he sure knows how to snuggle and he's my best customer at the milkbar. Oh wait - he's my only customer! The milkbar will close shortly after his birthday so I am just enjoying it while it lasts. Even if it means functioning like a zombie and drinking two very strong coffees a day. Which leads me to the first of my gratefuls for this week..

Coffee. It has been my very dear friend this week, even more than normal.

Glee. I'm no Gleek, I have only watched one full season, but I do find their renditions of songs, new and old, very interesting - and infectious. So I bought both Christmas albums. As cheesy and broadway as some of the tracks are, I.LOVE.IT. And so do the kids. They have been dancing around the house all week, we have had festive tunes filling the air 24/7. My husband hates it. I love it.

Fairy Lights. We've had a few warm days in Melbourne this week which means keeping the curtains drawn and getting through the day in the dark. While we usually turn the tree lights on after bathtime, we have had them glittering all day. I say pfft to the electricity bill. The warm fuzzy feeling is so worth it.

Uncles. My uncle (mum's little brother) who lives in country South Australia turned fifty last week. Which meant a big birthday bash and a flying visit from my folks, with sleepovers at each end of their road trip. Lovely.

Little Brains. My littlest guy is blossoming so so much at the moment. Chatting, waving, clapping, climbing, joining in with the other two, standing on his own, trying to take some steps. We've given him a hand with an early Christmas present. Even third time round, I still marvel at what these little minds can soak up and achieve in such a short space of time. Nothing short of freakin amazing.

Linking up with with the lovely Maxabella, who is all done and dusted with the linky business for the year. I think I will keep my gratefulness going though, through the holidays, while I may have a little more time to sit back and reflect on all that I am grateful for, in this little blessed life I lead.

Merry Christmas Maxabella! Thankyou for inviting us to stop, ponder, and appreciate the little things. X


  1. Love these photos, how cute are your kids!
    Great things to be grateful for.

  2. Lovely post. Your little boy looks so proud to be up and walking.

    I'm visiting from Maxabella for the first time - I think I'm going to keep going with the grateful posts as well over the summer.

  3. Merry Christmas!! I'll be doing my three gratefuls more than ever over the hols, absolutely! Enjoy yourself under those marvellous fairy lights (I have mine up all year!!) X


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