Wednesday, 30 November 2011


I had wonderful plans to craft a new advent calendar this Christmas. Don't you love wonderful plans? That's why they're wonderful. Not so wonderful is the reality that you have no time to craft. Sigh. This one has been running for two years and I am going to force myself to make a new one in no-Christmas-spirit-left-January when hubby will be home on holidays and I will be able to manage some time at my sewing machine and/or sitting on my derriere with needle and Perle 8 in hand. Then I won't end up sitting here typing the same post on 30 November next year..

The idea was thieved from the talented Christie. In previous years I had just put a little treat in each pocket for R&C, but this year I decided to put a Christmasy activity in each pocket as well, seeing as they love their craft. Leslie helped me fill in a few more. It's not important how many more. I will also be pilfering ridiculously-creative-Dana's idea of the advent book calendar. I had seen this done around blogland last year but was too sick and pregnant to put it into action. Unfortunately our Christmas repertoire is about as lengthy as Dana's originally was too. I think we read The Night Before Christmas about 22 of the 24 nights leading up to the big day last year. Ruby knows it by heart and we read it throughout the year too (she's also still singing at the top of her lungs, and dancing to carols in her bedroom daily until about March, which peters out to about once a week and then builds force again in November - Bruce Springsteen's version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town is her weapon of choice). I need to pull my finger out because I have enough books to get us to next Tuesday.

Have you had time to craft a new advent calendar this festive season?


  1. I finally made a (very) simple advent calendar this year after it being on the to do list for a few years. I love yours, so pretty! I love the book idea too, have you seen the book advent that has them all wrapped in green paper and stacked up so the look like a little Christmas tree?

  2. Anna, your advent calendar is lovely! How could it not be.. everything you do is beautifully stylish! No, I hadn't seen the advent book calendar wrapped and stacked to look like a Christmas tree, that is a fab idea. Not one I can put into practice - I haven't had time to wrap all the books, I am doing one per day! I couldn't have them all out on display anyway or my 9mth old would have a field day.. thanks for stopping by, what a thrill for me to see your comment - I have been a fan of yours for a loooong time! x


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