Wednesday, 16 November 2011

a little project

My littlest sister is getting married early next year, to a really great guy - hooray! At the moment he looks more like someone you would pass in the street and wonder if he had a bunch of girls working for him.. with thanks to Movember he is sporting a pretty dirty tash. The man is a sasquatch {lovingly labelled by his wife-to-be} so it's not a stretch. Hairy as he may be, he is wonderful. So wonderful that we made him Eliot's godfather. Way to make that sasquatch chest (and big heart) swell.

Anyway, they got engaged on a lovely holiday to New Zealand back in August and this Friday night they are having their engagement dinner. My parents fly in tomorrow night for a few days to join the celebrations - hooray again! They live on the Gold Coast, as does my other little sis and bro-in-law, and my big bro is a little further up the coast in paradise. Hard life, hey. I miss them terribly, so it's pretty exciting when they come to stay, and vice versa. But that's a whole other post on it's own.

When they decided to have an engagement dinner, I asked if I could make their cake. Courtney said absolutely but she wanted it to be a surprise. So I said absolutely. I love surprises. I started working on it tonight. This is all I can show you. When Aunty CC isn't working like a dog, she reads this little space. Hope it turns out the way it looks in my head.. I'm relying on the Queen of Cakes, with a recipe I haven't used before, and no time to do a trial. No pressure. She's never steered me wrong. I'm sure she won't let me down now.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and make some fairy wings.

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