Wednesday, 9 November 2011

grey skies

Tonight, while this was going on outside..

this was going on inside..

and then it was eaten while watching this. AH-MAZING.  Every week.  And I cry.  Every week.

This little cake is yum every time. Go and visit this talented lady (and beautiful - I met her in the flesh (along with her equally talented BFF) and I have to say tele does very little for her, she is stunning and looks 10 years younger in person! Sincere apologies for the backhanded compliment, Jane, if you ever read this! Ha. As if.).  Find the details to the deliciousness here.  I add some orange juice to the ingredients at the beginning, as the original recipe wasn't orange-y enough for me.

PS - I had the sense to bring in the washing BEFORE the deluge this time.  Clever me.

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