Sunday, 18 August 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013

Ruby :: in her element at the dinner table - the boys long gone and she's still filling her taco shells.. her very favourite.
Cole :: a little late to catch the immunisation train this time round.. but he's all ready for kindy next year.
Eliot :: waking at 6am on a Sunday, teary and not himself, he lasted less than two hours. I didn't think anyone could fall asleep watching Mister Maker, but I have been proven wrong.

Last week's favourite? This, and only this.


  1. When a child is tired, they tend to sleep through anything! Poor love, sounded like it was needed though! Beautiful pigtails, and adorable angles. I love your photographs! It's always a treat when I visit. x

  2. oh the black and white is amazing!!

  3. These are fantastic!!! :)

  4. Love the angles you have used here. Hope Eliot is back to his old self soon xx

  5. I love how your images have captured how different your children are.


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