Sunday, 13 January 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.

Ruby :: post mango face
Cole :: he was most concerned about the storm rolling in while we played on the shore
Eliot :: always room for more food

Joining the beautifully talented Jodi each week

*Yes, I'm playing catch up (already!). That's what you get for taking a really long holiday..


  1. Mango eating is definitely a must in Summer:) Lovely capture of Cole I can only imagine what the sky looked like. Your littlest is growing so much. Gorgeous captures Tahnee. x

  2. lovely images, Tahnee.

    I have been sporting an equally sticky mango-face this week - there's no better way to enjoy it! Cole's expression is adorable - look at those big eyes. And that last image...WOW - Eliot is adorable, and this photograph is beautiful.

    Sar x

  3. AAH! That second photo!! Perfection... love his little worried face!

  4. Food is what makes the world go round! Cole's little face is full of expression... My daughter's not a fan of storms either.

    Sophie xo

  5. hahaha! Cole's face - hilarious!! Love it.
    Ruby's features are so beautiful. This photo of her reminds me of a cover of a period novel. So dreamy.
    Beautiful, beautiful images xo

  6. The softness you have captured in Ruby's face is just beautiful, Tahnee. x


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