Thursday, 9 October 2014

meet the densmores

One Sunday morning, back in the middle of a Melbourne winter, I spent the morning with some dear friends. Some of my most favourite people on the face of the planet.

Kate and I met over ten years ago when we were both legal PAs in a big, fancy, stuck up law firm. She had just said goodbye to her new fiancé, as he set off for a six month deployment at sea. She planned the wedding while he was away. It wouldn't be the last time he was sent away for half a year.

Kate had been saying for the past year.. We must get you over to take our photos! The kids are getting so big! Kate struggles to say no - to anything. She is one of the busiest people I have ever known. We tried to work out dates.. the months would pass.. finally, we locked it in the diary.

It was that very morning that we realised why it had taken us so long to get ourselves sorted. Joe, their cheeky, naughty, loveable beagle, had ailments and illness creeping in over that last year. His behaviour had changed because of his condition and he was no longer the carefree Joe Joe they once knew.

Three days after our shoot, Joe passed away.


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