Tuesday 18 June 2013

meet the harris family

Three families wanted me to come to Canberra to photograph them. Beautiful friends among them. I scribbled notes, I checked flight times, I decided it could be a fly up and back in one day gig. Of course once everyone was booked in and it came time to book some flights, I realised I had used weekday flight times to produce my schedule for weekend travel. Canberra likes to be a little sleepy on the weekends. Flights arrive later and depart earlier. Cue cold sweats and mouth agape when I realised THIS WASN'T GOING TO WORK.

My dear friend Rachel and her lovely husband Mark, offered to have me overnight so that our schedule would remain in tact. In hindsight this was a WAY better plan than the up and back in one day idea. I flew out of Melbourne as the husband was bathing the kids. I listened to my music, read my book, ate my cheese and crackers, drank my juice, pinched myself this was actually happening, wondered who people would assume I was without the trail of children behind me. I arrived to open arms and warm hugs. Excited little ones just before the Sandman arrived, and delicious fish curry. A warm, quiet house, ADULT conversation, scrumptious Toblerone mousse, cups of tea and laughter. The crying kind of laughter. Hours disappeared as we shared stories across the dinner table, catching up on eighteen months of life since they left Melbourne for their few year stint in Canberra. It was wonderful. SO wonderful.

My suitcase was packed with mostly gifts for a new arrival I had not met, and two other little people who had grown so very much since I last saw them. Ruby had put her capable hands to good use producing a family portrait now that Gil had arrived. I was welcomed with handmade cards and special drawings taped to the wall above my bed. In that moment, just for a split second, I'd be lying if I said a little bit of doubt hadn't followed me through the door.

Can I do this?
Can I give them what they want?
Just breathe.
And SEE.
See them.
And so I did.


  1. Oh it was so lovely to have you. You are always welcome! You really lifted my spirits. I had been missing friends and family from melbourne, I didn't realise how much until I saw you at my door. Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming, for your generosity, for capturing the love of our little family, for your kind words and your friendship xxx

  2. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family.


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