Thursday, 28 March 2013

hello holidays

The first day. Spent at home. ALL DAY. I cannot remember the last day that was spent at home in its entirety. Nowhere to be. At least until the kids went to bed anyway, then I could duck over to the shops - alone! - for a handful of essential supplies for another FULL DAY at home tomorrow. My heart is full.

A little reminder, tomorrow is the annual Good Friday Appeal. We've had a trip to the beautiful Royal Children's Hospital in the last twelve months. Thankfully our visit was fleeting, leaving with a sigh of relief, a positive diagnosis and a happy, healthy child. Many, many families are not so lucky and their daily lives are harder than most of us can imagine. If you are able, please give generously - as little or as much as you can.

Happy Easter, friends. Please be safe and take care on the roads, wherever you are travelling, near or far xx

*Cute little story to go with that last photo over here. While you're there, feel free to like me. You know I'm ace. You also know I love sarcasm.
*AND thankyou so much for all your lovely words of support on my last post - here, at Em's and on instagram. You're SO wonderful x


  1. There's that photo from Instagram that I loved so much! You guys are too much fun. Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family, I hope you all have a restful and happy holiday weekend xx

  2. this all looks so super fun! love those days at home that work out -- so satisfying. x


I love to hear from you, thankyou so much for taking the time to leave a comment x

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