Thursday, 10 January 2013


We are home. Happy to be home, though I wish I could say the same for Melbourne. I miss the sea. Melbourne welcomed us home with chilly winds and long sleeves. Just to make sure we got a good dose of reality, I am sure. This afternoon we had the air conditioner going, and tomorrow will be 37. Spending almost a month in a constant, even, comfortable climate, has not made my relationship with Melbourne Weather any better.

There is a pile of Christmas stacked high on my dining table. At least it's all in one spot now. Rearranging the big kids' room was more important today. There is much cleaning and sorting to be done, of course, as with many, our new year will begin with clean cupboards, and generally less of stuff. My lists are long, some are happy long, but all are overshadowed by my number one task in the coming weeks. Getting our girl ready for school. SCHOOL.

Looking forward to overdosing on the holiday snaps. Happy New Year, friends.


  1. Eeek! My girl starts school this year too - reality hit today when I received her stationery in the mail today!
    There's nothing better than starting a new year fresh, and organised! Welcome home! xx
    (PS Perth weather has been crazy too, and yukky amounts of days over 40 haven't been pleasant!)

  2. These are some of my favorite photos of yours... that sweet, sweet time out in the sand and the sun! Love! Glad you're home safe :)

  3. I agree starting the new year with a clean and organised house is a must. I have been madly sorting everything I own, trips to op-shop with donations and a few trips to Ikea to purchase more storage stuff and we have a complete organised home which I love love love. Great to see your holiday snaps and looking forward to more.

  4. School! I just got a shiver thinking about it. I've shifted it to the back of my mind, at least for another week or so! xx

  5. I love starting the year with clean cupboards, desks, and an organised home. This year I am getting a little help in the department due to a freshly moved in home and a new magnificent 12ft linen cupboard my husband and FIL have been building all week, at last, a place for me to finish unpacking our things! Happy new year!

  6. Home is one of my favourite words. Beautiful light in all your images, Tahnee. x

  7. I was in a mad frenzy between the Christmas/New Years lull trying to purge and cull, the year always starts off on the right note for me when our home is organised.
    As Em said, the weather here has been crazy, icky HOT!! Horrible actually.
    Happy New Year Tahnee.

  8. sigh, the lips!
    We went to look for School shoes today. Ruby was a little too excited.
    Melbourne has continued to welcome you with its bipolar weather patterns. I'm trying to learn to be more patient this year. Patient with the kids, and patient with situations. Sowing where I'm planted (is the saying along those lines). Still doesn't help that I was in jeans and cardy today and who knows what tomorrow!
    Wishing you a happy week lovely xo


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