Thursday, 24 November 2011

hansel and gretel

No doubt Hansel & Gretel would have had a good go at this one. Lucky for them, the residents (or builders and decorators as it were) would prefer a nice pasta dish, or a steak, than a house special of plump-sugar-fed child.

Last Christmas was my first attempt at a gingerbread house after watching Fast Ed make it look pretty easy (though I think that is in his job description). And I must say, it was. He reckons you can do it in a day, but I don't like to be rushed. Especially when you're nearly eight months pregnant. I did it over three days - made dough to leave in fridge overnight, bake the house pieces the next day, and (the best part) decorate the following day. Baking and construction I can take full credit for (and it was bloody delicious!), decorating was a group family effort. We all spent Christmas on the Goldie last year with my parents, so it was a really lovely way to start the holiday together. I really wanted to bake it so the kids could decorate it, they love to help in the kitchen whenever they can. Though I think it went something like one for the GB house, two for the little mouth. Just the way it should be this time of year. Everyone high on sugar or eggnog or ham or pudding or mince pies or aunty's wickedly awful {in the true sense of the word} trifle or whatever the hell else you stuff in your face in celebration of Jesus' birth and/or the big jolly guy coming down your chimney.

My little sis was Director of Letterbox Construction & Design. Who doesn't love a hundreds and thousands letterbox?

The kids really had a ball (perhaps the big ones even more) so we have stamped it as family tradition from hereon in. And I think a competition is brewing as we are all spread out this year. Nothing like a bit of healthy sibling rivalry. It is that time, to begin the planning phase of GBH2. Of course I head here for some inspiration (and a lot of time wasting).


I love the shape of this one but all white is too boring for me (and the kids)

The King - no I will not be making my own sweets.. cause I just have SO much time on my hands

the shape, the snow, the piping

will not be attempting, just HOLY COW for the detail and perfection!

kidlets would enjoy this addition 

we will be enjoying these on Christmas morning, and on Boxing Day
when we celebrate again with my sis and nearly-bro-in-law

So, are you crafting a gingerbread house this Christmas? May the sugar gods be with you.

1 comment:

  1. did you really make that? A gingerbread house has been on my list of things to make for xmas for years! Two years ago, I mae a xmas cake. Then, last year I did mince pies. Maybe this year the gingerbread house might be my challenge!!

    Thanks for your tip on where you bought your chairs btw -- I found the one I was looking for much cheaper than Matt Blatt! I got a blue Eames number in the end -- I really hope I dont regret the colour, I had intended to go white and chose the blue on a whim!! xx


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