Tuesday, 1 November 2011

cup day

The first week in November is a lovely time to live in Melbourne - Spring Racing Carnival.  While I love watching the spectacularly elegant horses, watching the fashions isn't bad either.  The good and the bad.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

Really?  I remember seeing their house {read: mansion apartment} on BH&G ages ago, and I definitely remember seeing a lot of mirrors.  Clearly they aren't using them correctly.

I must say I am really enjoying Rachael Finch's coverage of all things fashion and bubbles.  She is so comfortable in front of the camera and (I think) exquisitely beautiful.  I think she looked absolutely stunning today.

One of my closest girlfriends messaged me late today saying that Cup Day is on her bucket list and we must go next year!  I was actually thinking the same thing today, how lovely it would be to get all dolled up and head out for the day.  It's been a few years since I have been to the Carnival.  So that's next year - this year looked more like this..

Seriously beasty tuna sausage rolls from here, and pre-bath nudie ballet show from #1.

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